
#290 Winning the game during another player's turn

Cyril C.

The game does not detect when a player wins during another player's turn.

This possible in (to my knowledge) only one situation:
- Players A and B have each a road that is N parts long, the longest of all other players. Player A having been the first to get the longest road, has the 2-point bonus.
- Player C now builds a settlement in the middle of the longest road of A, thus cutting his road into two segments. Player B now has the longest road and the 2-point bonus that allows him to win the game.

Pioneers will not detect this winning situation until player B's turn, even if the option "victory at end of turn" is switched off. In the game, player B's victory was only detected after a new road construction. I do not know what happens if player B cannot do anything during his turn.


  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2015-06-13

    Thank you for reporting this issue.

    Your observation is correct: the game does not detect when a player wins during another player's turn, because the rules state that you can only win when it is your turn.

    The option 'victory at end of turn' is there for players who want to be able to win games with more than the required amount of victory points. (e.g. by building move settlements and cities, playing development cards, taking over the longest route and/or the largest army). If this option is turned off, the game is over as soon as the current player has reached the amount of victory points and not only as soon has he ends his turn.

    However, you last remark shows that Pioneers should also check for a winning situation as soon as a player get his turn. (There should be no need to build/buy anything). This needs to be fixed.

  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2015-06-13
    • assigned_to: Roland Clobus
    • Group: -->
  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2015-06-14

    The patch is at

    I've double checked:
    When someone cuts the longest road in your favour, you do not need to build anything, at the end of your turn the win situation was already correctly detected.
    With the patch, the win situation will be detected at the begin of the turn (when the check for victory at the end of the turn is disabled).

  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2016-06-10
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2016-06-10

    Applied to svn 2146. It wil be part of the upcoming release of Pioneers 15.4

  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2016-12-13
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Roland Clobus

    Roland Clobus - 2016-12-13

    Pioneers 15.4 has been release some time ago. Closing this ticket.


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