
installation problem of nss, nspr....

  • Tamer Higazi

    Tamer Higazi - 2003-08-12

    I got problems installing gaim encryption on SuSE Linux 8.2 Professional and i configured and installed gaim v 0.66 (without gaim-encryoption) propably from the source. I don't know what i did wrong, but i downloaded the NSS and NSPR includes  at:

    and installed them with this command:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr -exec-prefix=/usr

    I patched gaim and configured gaim with this command:

    ./configure -prefix=/usr -exec-prefix=/usr

    and i received at the haim-encryption part this output:

    Gaim-Encryption configuration block
    checking for NSPR includes...
    checking for NSS includes...
    checking for nss.h... yes
    checking for nssbase.h... no
    checking for keyhi.h... no
    configure: error: Need to specify location of NSS and NSPR includes
    linux:/tmp/gaim-0.66 #

    I would thank anybody who can give me an advise installing and compiling anything propably.

    Thank you allready


    • Bill Tompkins

      Bill Tompkins - 2003-08-12

      From the FAQ:

      ./configure fails: it doesn't find my nss or nspr libraries?

          Use --with-nspr-includes="/usr/local/include", if, say, that's where the nspr include files are.
          Similarly, --with-nss-includes for the nss include files (like nssbase.h),
          --with-nspr-libs for the nspr library location ( or libnspr4.a), and
          --with-nss-libs for the nss library location ( or libnss3.a).

      I'm surprised that it didn't find those include files automatically, although I don't actually know where they get stuck by with those configure options.  I'd expect that they would be in /usr/include/nss/ ?

      BTW, which version of the plugin are you using?  The more recent ones should have better auto-detection of the Mozilla library location than the older ones.


    • Tamer Higazi

      Tamer Higazi - 2003-08-14

      I guess i made now the right step configuring gaim-encryption but i have the feeling that i installed NSPR and NSS includes and libraries not proparbly.

      If i run in te gaim-encryotion folder this command:

      ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-nspr-includes=/usr/include --with-nss-includes=/usr/include --with-nspr-libs -with-nss-libs

      i receive this output:

      Gaim-Encryption configuration block
      checking for NSPR includes... /usr/include
      checking for NSS includes... /usr/include
      checking for nss.h... yes
      checking for nssbase.h... no
      checking for keyhi.h... no
      configure: error: Need to specify location of NSS and NSPR includes
      linux:/tmp/gaim-0.66 #

      In the NSPRPUB folder of the extracted nspr file:

      i just run as "root":

      ./configure --prefix="/usr" -exec-prefix="/usr"

      and run

      make install

      about NSS, i don't know how to install it! I downloaded the NSS Package "nss-3.8.tar.gz" and extracted it! In the extracted folder i found in other subdirectories "/tmp/nss-3.8/mozilla/security/nss" something about NSS but i don't know how to install it. The is no configuration script or anything else!

      tamer@linux:/tmp/nss-3.8/mozilla/security/nss> ls
      CVS       cmd  macbuild  relnotes.txt  trademarks.txt
      Makefile  lib  pkg          tests

      now tell me please what i made wrong or right.

      Thank you


      • Bill Tompkins

        Bill Tompkins - 2003-08-14

        It looks like you might already have NSS installed: the line

        > checking for nss.h... yes

        is a good sign.  Look for the file nssbase.h, in some place like /usr/include/mozilla-1.5/nss (or really anywhere in /usr/include or /usr/local/include).  Running "du -a /usr/include | grep nssbase" would be a good way to search for it.

        If it isn't already installed, I would guess that your linux distribution has some package that installs it.  The Redhat packages are nss-devel and nspr-devel; I don't know what the Debian or Suse packages are, but they should be available.

        If you can't find any packages to install Mozilla for your distribution, then compiling NSS yourself would be your last resort.  It looks like it already has a Makefile, so try just typing "make" in the directory that has the Makefile.


    • Jeremy Hogan

      Jeremy Hogan - 2003-08-18


      I had the same issue. Install:


      And after patching the gaim configure script run:

      ./configure --with-nspr-includes="/usr/include/mozilla-1.2.1/nspr/" --with-nss-includes="/usr/include/mozilla-1.2.1/nss/"

      Where *-1.2.1 is the version of Mozilla you are running.



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