
#37 default auth deny message


Hello folks,

It's good to have the feature to automatically deny authorization requests. Those were the only remaining spams that were getting through to me (in droves, no less!).

That said, is it technically possible to set a default authorization deny message?

The reason being that when Bot Sentry denies an authorization request, a box is still spawned immediately on my screen. This box tends to minimize full screen apps and is otherwise very irritating.

This box prompts me to enter a reason for denying the authorization request. I would like a way to prevent this box from ever appearing.

I have read through some of the other tickets here and their responses, so I gather that Pidgin does not entirely expose the authorization code to plugin developers. I can not claim that I fully understand the technicalities, but I do realize that my request may not be a simple one.

Not being required to enter a reason for denying an authorization would eliminate the one remaining frustration created by the spammer. Here's to crossing fingers, so to speak.


  • Stephen Meyer

    Stephen Meyer - 2009-01-09

    Hello deckrider, thank you for the response.

    I have a limited understanding of this, but I searched the source code for account_authorization_denied and did not find it.

    Is there something that can be done with account_authorization_denied to prevent the text box from spawning?

    It does not necessarily have to submit a default rejection message. The primary irritation from the spammer is that the text box requesting a reason for denying the authorization appears on my screen. If that box can somehow be prevented from spawning then the goal will be accomplished. =)

    If a reason for denying the authorization is never sent then that works just fine.

    If the box can not be prevented by the plugin then I thank you for you time anyway. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

  • Ryan Hayle

    Ryan Hayle - 2009-07-30

    Actually, it would be better of Bot Sentry simply *ignored* the authorization request instead of denying it. This is what I currently do manually, in order to avoid the deny message window. I just click on the X to close that message. Can this not be done programatically?

  • edit

    edit - 2009-11-17

    i have the same problem.
    would be really nice if i could set a default deny message in the settings of bot sentry.
    that would add some extra value to this add on.

    i also had a closer look into the query-site of pidgnin but i could not find out, how to open a ticket there. so if you are sure that pidgin has to change some code: could anybody else please open a ticket there?

    hopefully this problem will be solved soon to get rid of those messages.

  • edit

    edit - 2009-11-17

    PS: now i found out: register at and open a ticket here

  • edit

    edit - 2009-11-27

    That's the right ticket i guess:
    Simply click on the uparrow to vote for it.
    Please also explain there, what the best solution would be.

  • edit

    edit - 2009-11-27

    good news folks,
    this ticket is included in the
    roadmap / milestones / 3.0.0

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-04


    I'm the author of pidgin-privacy-please and I was faced with the exact same problem. I submitted a patch for pidgin that introduces a new signal at With this signal plugins will be able to say "accept the message", "reject the message" or "ignore the message", the patch is currently scheduled to be included in pidgin 2.8.0.

    Just thought I'd keep you posted.


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