
pi3web Strenghtening guide ?

  • Sebastien SAUVAGE

    I was thinking about installing pi3web (in HTTPS mode)+quixplorer on my home computer to access my files remotely.
    (I would have prefered a ssh, but most corporate firewalls won't let anything out but HTTP <grin>)

    I started to take out all unnecessary features (demo CGI, documentation directories, default webpages, server identification, etc.) to reduce the risks.

    I wonder if such a strenghtening guide exists ?

    • Holger Zimmermann

      Such a guide currently doesn't exist yet but there's the configuration example 'internet.pi3'. This can be used as a starting point. I would appreciate if you write down the particular steps you performed in a reproducible way. I propose this in order to add this information to the Pi3-HowTo documentation later.

    • Holger Zimmermann

      Here is a first, rough draft for a

      Pi3Web Strengthening Guide

      - Router/NAT
      - firewall
      - DNS
      - internet server in DMZ (not reachable through internal LAN)
      - not listening on (IPADDR_ANY)

      - use a dedicated host PC (not desktop)
      - as Windows service
      - disable remote administration option, if unused
      - after installation succeeded remove
        - all CGI, Fast-CGI, Windows-CGI and ISAPI examples from folders
          Pi3Web/cgi-bin/, Pi3Web/fcgi-bin/, Pi3Web/cgi-win/ and Pi3Web/isapi/
        - the server documentation from folder Pi3Web/Pi3Docs
        - the default web pages

      - administration console as starting point for dummy users
        - disable option 'verbose error messages' (tab 'General')
        - disable remote administration option, if unused but selected during installation (tab 'General')
        - remove unused mappings (tab 'Mappings')
          - Document mapper to server documentation (pidocs)
          - CGI mapper when CGI is not used
          - Windows-CGI mapper when Windows-CGI is not used
          - Fast-CGI mapper when Fast-CGI is not used
          - ISAPI mapper when ISAPI is not used
          - Document mapper to 'Logs' when the server logs are not inspected online
          - Redirect mapper to 'pi3site' because this is an example and normally unused
        - performance optimization may improve throughput and thus lower risk of DoS attacks (tab 'Performance')
          - enable options like 'reuse threads' accordingly to administration/configuration guide
          - switch off debug log after finishing optimizations
        - enable authentication for sensible realms (tab 'Users')
          - use NTLM or MD5 authentication method if possible
          - basic authentication does not encrypt password information,
            only secure in combination with SSL
          - realms become effective by referencing them in URI mappings (defined in tab 'Mappings')
        - enable SSL for secure communication with server (tab 'SSL')
          - generate and use private key/server certificates in responsible way
            (no key files in shared folders)
          - enable SSL client authentication when mutual authentication is required
        - Limit HTTP options (tab 'HTTP')
          - disable HTTP verbs POST, PUT and DELETE if unused
          - disable options 'Chunks' and 'Ranges' if unused
          - check and adjust the list of index pages
        - select sufficient, simple type of directory indexing (e.g. 'DOS style HTML index' in tab 'directory indexing')
        - configure virtual hosts to separate content owned by different users
          (tab 'Virtual hosts by name', 'Virtual host by IP')
        - configure alternative TCP/IP interfaces when available, e.g. to separate
          remote administration or LAN access to server from internet access (tab 'Interfaces')
        - change the server stamp used to identify the server software in the HTTP protocol
          (some mimicry could be helpful to confuse an attacker)

      - internet.pi3 configuration template as starting point for advanced users
        - as starting point for internet configurations
        - if required add services accordingly to administration/configuration guide
        - take all the advice from the previous topic into consideration

      - backup logfiles in regular intervals
      - check error log in regular intervals
      - configure a black list for suspicious client IPs:
      - keep informed about security exploits in Pi3web and used 3rd party software
        (e.g. PHP, openssl, perl, libxml, ...)


      Your comments and additions are welcome.

      Holger Zimmermann


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