
phpxmlclasses / News: Recent posts

phpclasess 1.11 released

New version of the package grouping all the classes now with the addition of the xml_check class.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-22

Class xml_check 1.0 released

A class to check if a file/url is well formed, it can report errors if not or statistics about the XML document if it is well formed (Size, number of elements, text sections, size of text sections, attributes)

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-22

phpxmlclasses 1.10 released

A new version of the package grouping all the classes, now adding the RDQL db class.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-15

Class RDQL DB released

A class implementing a mechanism to store parsed RDF documents in a MySQL database. The documents can then be retrieved or queried using RDQL.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-15

phpxmlclasses 1.9 released

New version of the package with all the classes, added the RDQL class to the package, documentation updated and cosmetic changes.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-08

Class RDQL 1.0 released

A generic implementation of RDQL and an RDQL engine to query RDF documents from files or URLs.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-08

phpxmlclasses 1.8 released

New version of the package grouping all classes. This version adds the Path Parser class and minor bug fixes to the Schematron class.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-01

Class Path Parser 1.0 released

This is a generic XML parser based on Expat that let's you asociate PHP functions with XML elements indicating a path, for example /foo/data/name, the user functions wil be called each time such an element is found by the parser passing the element name, attributes and content (text or a XML fragment) as arguments.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-07-01

PHP XML Classes 1.7 released

New version of the package grouping all the classes, included the RDDL parser class.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-24

Class RDDL Parser released

A class to parse RDDL Documents retrieving resource elements.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-24

phpxmlclasses 1.6 released

Added the RSS Parser class and some bug fixes in the RDF parser class.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-20

Class RSS Parser 1.0 released

This class can be used to parse RSS 1.0 feeds using PHP, it is based on a full RDF parser and provides methods to retrieve the feed information as PHP arrays once the feed was parsed. Can parse feeds from URLs or files

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-20

phpxmlclasses 1.5 released

New version of the package grouping all the classes, now including class_rdf_parser 1.0

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-14

Class RDF Parser 1.0 released

A PHP port of repat the RDF parser. This class implements an event-driven interface for parsing RDF files. The parser accepts all the syntactic variants of the RDF XML notation defined by the W3C.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-14

phpxmlclasses 1.4 released

Added class_rdfdb_0.1 to the package

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-07

Class RDFdb 0.1 released

An abstraction class to access TCP/IP based RDFdb database. An open source database for RDF with a simple and usefule query language.

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-06-07

phpxmlclasses 1.3 released

Fiexd the Xquery Lite class (Xquery Lite package is fixed too now)

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-05-24

phpxmlclasses 1.2 released

Class Xquery Lite 1.0 added to the collection

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-05-22

Class Xquery Lite 1.0 released

A PHP implementation of the Xquery Lite 1.0 language

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-05-22

phpxmlclasses 1.1 released

A package grouping all the classes in this project (SAX filters added)

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-05-22

Sax Filters classes 1.0 released

A set of classe to implement SAX filters in PHP using the built in Expat Parser

Posted by Luis Argerich 2002-05-22