
PHP Xindice Toolkit / News: Recent posts

Version 0.6 released!

The latest version of the PHP Xindice browser is now available. This version significantly alters the UI of the browser, and makes it fully functional. It also deprecates the use of Userland's xmlrpc functionality in favor of PHP's builtin xmlrpc extension.

Posted by Dave Viner 2002-12-09

01/24/2002 - UPDATE

There will be an updated release as soon as the XML-RPC interface for Xindice is released. Detailed installation instructions and documentation should also be available at that time.

Posted by Kurt Ward 2002-01-24


You will need to download and install the XML-RPC access API for dbXML(Xindice). This can be found at (currently 0.5.1). You will need to add a line in the config/system.xml as outlined in the installation instructions. I am currently working on a revised version of the interface that includes collection/indexer functions.

Posted by Kurt Ward 2001-12-20

Current Download

The current files available for download is a little sketchy, so I apologize. There is no documentation included and several features are suppressed. I hope to have a new release available soon that will include both. Contact me via email if you need any help (

Posted by Kurt Ward 2001-12-16