
phpwsListings / News: Recent posts

phpwsListings 0.3.1 Released

This is a minor change to allow the current phpwsListings to work with phpWebSite 0.9.3-2. This update is NOT recommended if you are running an earlier version. There were no bug fixes or improvements with this release.

phpwsListings is in the process of being totally rewritten for 0.4.0. It will be much faster and contain many new features. We hope to have it out soon.

Posted by Wendall Cada 2003-12-18

phpwsListings 0.3.0 Released

phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite (>= 0.9.1) module that allows a site admin to run a listings site for virtually any type of item, from houses to cars to books. Admins can set the fields and field types, and all fields are searchable.

Some of the new features included are the advanced layout that will allow you to make custom templates to position form elements where you would like them. We now also have the notion of a "default" class, listing expiration dates, and a nicer agent list page.... read more

Posted by Wendall Cada 2003-06-12

phpwsListings 0.3.0 Release Candidate 3

phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite (>= 0.9.1) module that allows a site admin to run a listings site for virtually any type of item, from houses to cars to books. Admins can set the fields and field types, and all fields are searchable.

Some of the new features included are the advanced layout that will allow you to make custom templates to position form elements where you would like them. We now also have the notion of a "default" class, listing expiration dates, and a nicer agent list page.... read more

Posted by Wendall Cada 2003-05-23

phpwsListings 0.3.0 Release Candidate 1

phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite (>= 0.9.1) module that allows a site admin to run a listings site for virtually any type of item, from houses to cars to books. Admins can set the fields and field types, and all fields are searchable.

Some of the new features included are the advanced layout that will allow you to make custom templates to position form elements where you would like them. We now also have the notion of a "default" class, listing expiration dates, and a nicer agent list page.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-05-19

phpwsListings 0.2.0 Released

phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite (>= 0.9.1) module that allows a site admin to run a listings site for virtually any type of item, from houses to cars to books. Admins can set the fields and field types, and all fields are searchable.

phpwsListings 0.2.0 includes many bug fixes. Notable feature additions include the listing class which allows the site to list more than one type of item. Price field is now optional as well.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-04-30

phpwsListings 0.2.0 RC 2

If it pleases you, we present phpwsListings 0.2.0 Release Candidate 2. We have cleaned up some more bugs since RC1 and tuned the upgrade process. Please download and have a try (remember that it requires phpWebSite 0.9.1), and please report any problems to our Bug Tracker.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-04-24

phpwsListings 0.2.0 RC 1

The phpwsListings krew have released phpwsListings 0.2.0 Release Candidate 1. The major feature change is the abstraction of Listing Classes that allow you to list multiple types of items. See the Changelog for more. Go to the Released Files section to get it.

Please report any bugs to the Bugs tracker on our page.

Note that phpwsListings 0.2.0 relies on code that will be in phpWebSite 0.9.1. You will need to get code from the phpWebSite CVS since 0.9.1 isn't out yet. See their website for info on how to do that.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-03-26

phpwsListings Demo Site is up

We are proud to present our demo site for those curious to see what phpwsListings can do but unable to just install stuff like this on a whim. Special thanks to Mike W. for setting up the agents and listings.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-03-06

More staff for phpwsListings

Today I had the pleasure of adding Mike Windsor on to the project officially. Probably should have been done from the start but now here he his. Mike is covering a "requirements engineering" role and also helps out in the support forums.

Also added phpWebSite core developer Adam Morton. Hopefully Adam can work some voodoo with his knowledge of the innerworkings of the core. And hopefully give me some time to work on some other modules.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-03-06

phpwsListings 0.1.0 Released

phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite module that allows a site admin to run a listings site for virtually any type of item, from houses to cars to books. Admins can set the fields and field types, and all fields are searchable.

Today we make our first release in version 0.1.0. Download it from the Released Files section and install it into your phpWebSite 0.9.0 install. Be sure to follow my INSTALL notes in the docs directory to avoid confusion.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-03-03

phpwsListings 0.1.0 Release Candidate 2

Today the unwashed masses are presented with a gift from on high. That gift is phpwsListings 0.1.0 RC 2. A number of bug fixes and minor feature enhancements. I'm shifting into strict QA mode this afternoon and will either have a new RC tomorrow or the final.

Also a plug that phpWebSite 0.9.0 has been stamped and released. Kudos to the phpWS team. You can get phpWebSite at .... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-03-01

phpwsListings 0.1.0 Release Candidate 1

And God said, "Gather ye two of every flavor, anoint them with 62 sauces, whipped cream, and nuts, and ye shall call it 'The Ark'"!

As such, I present ye with a release candidate for phpwsListings 0.1.0. Check out the latest CVS for phpws 0.9.0 and install. Please report any bugs or support requests in the appropriate forums. Download from the files section or this link:

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-26

phpwsListings Documentation

I've started adding documentation for some items in the Document Manager. You click on the "Doc Manager" or Docs link to view them. If you are having trouble with some part of phpwsListings that you think might need some documentation, please submit a support request via the "Support Requests" forum.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-25

phpwsListings 0.1.0-beta and Feature Freeze

I'm locking the clamps down for 0.1.0 and setting the Feature Freeze in place. Anything RFEs not already in will have to wait until 0.2.0.

So I created the 0.1.0-beta release and you can download it from the link below. Any and all bug-testers are welcome.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-22

phpwsListings (hopefully) Final Beta

I knocked off the last two feature requests for what will be version 0.1.0 of phpwsListings. As such I cut a new 0.0.0-beta release. All are welcome to bug-test the hell out of it. If you are interested and don't have a server shoot me an email and I'll probably give you a login on my dev server.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-18

New phpwsListings Beta Release

After some bug fixes and feature additions, I've cut a new 0.0.0-beta release. You can download it from the Files section at:

I've added an "Agency" class to make for easier organization. Also a "printable" version of a listing is now in place.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-16


Project created and source code imported. Code is pre-beta and needs to be QA tested. If anyone is interested just email me. I've made a 0.0.0-beta release, which you can downloaded from the Files section.

Posted by Don Seiler 2003-02-10