
#201 1.3.4 Spews Line-Noise

  • trouble-free install
  • first visit with browser showed the mySQL db being filled
    with the pages in pgsrc/ and optimizing
  • the link to HomePage took down the browser
  • visited the wiki with another browser (Konqueror)
  • produces a page filled with like noise, e.g:

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$" 6ćx<-Ôb-Ł ŞŰéoo <ŕ÷nęGŢń=

You get the idea.
hand-appending ?action=edit to the URL does as
expected -- takes me to the edit page for HomePage
that page contains a PHP Warning:
* lib/config.php:276: Notice[8]: Undefined variable:
'Preview' works fine
'Save' returns me to the page of noise, URL
* hand-inserting the URL of TheNewPage I inserted at
during the edit of HomePage also produces garbage


  • Robin

    Robin - 2003-07-17

    Logged In: YES

    I have the same problem, apparently it is a result of
    phpwiki sending gzipped content without the appropriate
    content-type header. Unfortunatly I don't know PHP so have
    no idea what to do about this. Any thoughts?

  • Kim Hornung

    Kim Hornung - 2003-08-09

    Logged In: YES

    This could be solved by letting the function compress_output
    () in lib/stdlib.php send the correct Content-Encoding header:

    function compress_output() {
        if ( function_exists('ob_gzhandler')
             &amp;&amp; function_exists('version_compare') /* (only in

    php >= 4.1.0) */
    && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.2.3', ">=")
    header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
    $this->_is_compressing_output = true;

    Notice: If there are any PHP warnings (which there is for
    newer versions of PHP for the standard phpwiki 1.3.4
    distribution), you will only get a blank page since these
    messages are written before the compressed page (and thus
    before the header of the compressed data).

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I moved a phpwiki site to a machine running a newer version
    of php 4.3.3 and encountered the sampe problem.

    I'm not sure why php is attempting to compress the output,
    but something is wrong. You can get your site working again
    by changing

    define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', true);


    define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', false);

    in the index.php

  • John Cole

    John Cole - 2003-09-05

    Logged In: YES


    define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', true);


    define('COMPRESS_OUTPUT', false);

    in your index.php file and this will disable this feature.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    >Date: 2003-08-09 14:18
    >Sender: kimhornung
    >Logged In: YES
    >This could be solved by letting the function compress_output
    >() in lib/stdlib.php send the correct Content-Encoding header:
    > function compress_output() {
    > if ( function_exists('ob_gzhandler')
    > && function_exists('version_compare')
    > / (only in php >= 4.1.0) /
    > && version_compare(phpversion(), '4.2.3',">=")
    > ){
    >>> header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
    > ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
    > $this->_is_compressing_output = true;
    > }
    > }

    Thank you!!!! FYI, this is in request.php on line 131... See that
    line there "header("Content-Encoding: gzip");" ? That's what fixed
    this for me. - Steve Cooley

  • Marc-Etienne Vargenau

    • Description has changed:


    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Database
  • Marc-Etienne Vargenau

    Closing very old bugs.


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