
#1498 Unable to uninstall phpwsrssfeeds

Usability (156)

When I try to uninstall phpwsrssfeeds, an sql error
stating that the table mod_search_register does not
exists is generated. The Search module is 'as
installed' and includes a tick against the 'Show Block'
setting for phpwsrssfeeds.

If you try to ignore the error, it goes on to say that
it's own tables aren't present either. Closing the
browser and trying to restart at the home page doesn't
help, it goes back to the first error. The only way to
resume normal operation of the site is to reload the
module's install.sql manually and leave well alone!

I've tried this twice: once on my development system
and once on a live instance and got the same result.


  • Nick Robinson

    Nick Robinson - 2005-03-28

    Logged In: YES

    Php Version: (intranet) 4.3.3RC3
    Web Server: Apache 2.0.47
    Operating System: Linux 2.4.24
    SQL Server: mysql-4.1.1-alpha-max
    Browser: Firefox 1.0.2
    PhpWebSite Version: 0.10.0

  • Darren Greene

    Darren Greene - 2005-05-13
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dg49379
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Darren Greene

    Darren Greene - 2005-05-13

    Logged In: YES

    I have tested uninstalling and reinstalling the lastest
    version of the rss feeds modules but wasn't able to recreate
    this error. The 'mod_search_register' is a deprecated table
    that is now called 'mod_search'. Sounds like you need to
    run the update scripts.

    a) Go to and follow the instructions

    b) Also go into Control Panal->Boost and if the Search
    module has an Update button use it to update the module.

    Hope this helps,


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