Vincent B - 2017-03-16

LinuxMachine Apache2 webhosting phpvirtualbox @ x.x.x.30
WindowsMachine vboxwebsrc hosting @ x.x.x.29

So I have gotten the necessary commands for the connection and communication between phpVirtualbox(hosted on my linux machine) and VBoxWebSrv(hosted on my windows machine). Here is my command list, php settings, I will explain the problem at the end. (Censored the L/Ps)
Windows Hosting provider of VirtualBox
[code]VBoxManage setproperty websrvauthlibrary vboxauthsimple
VBoxmanage internalcommands passwordhash "yyyy" ---> returned 2c99e051cc1bc435aaca827b548db6b411f8862b1115ede37b1999f6ca50f496
VBoxmanage setextradata global "VBoxAuthSimple/users/xxxx" "2c99e051cc1bc435aaca827b548db6b411f8862b1115ede37b1999f6ca50f496"
VBoxmanage setextradata global "VBoxAuthSimple/users/xxxx/admin 1"[/code]

Linux Apache Webhost/phpVirtualbox config
[code]/ Username / Password for system user that runs VirtualBox /
var $username = 'xxxx';
var $password = 'yyyy';
var $location = 'x.x.x.29:18083/'; [/code] <----(had to space out hyperlink for this entry due to membership length its correct in the file please ignore and place xxxx as placeholders)
(cut end irrelevant file)
The phpvirtualbox does connect and authorize the connection on the windows machine but windows says its denied even though the windows console says granted. The phpVirtualbox login page information is the same across all 3 areas of config.php, vboxwebserver, and login page entry. But the phplogin web page says login denied while the vboxwebserv console says allowed. Here is the output of vboxwebsrv.
[code]Oracle VM VirtualBox web service Version 5.1.16
(C) 2007-2017 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.
VirtualBox web service 5.1.16 r113841 win.amd64 (Mar 8 2017 14:53:57) release log
00:00:00.000000 main Log opened 2017-03-15T16:35:35.978764400Z
00:00:00.000000 main Build Type: release
00:00:00.000000 main OS Product: Windows 8.1
00:00:00.000000 main OS Release: 6.3.9600
00:00:00.000000 main OS Service Pack:
00:00:00.222928 main DMI Product Name: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
00:00:00.228041 main DMI Product Version: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
00:00:00.228041 main Host RAM: 16347MB (15.9GB) total, 9059MB (8.8GB) available
00:00:00.228041 main Executable: D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxWebSrv.exe
00:00:00.228041 main Process ID: 1428640
00:00:00.228041 main Package type: WINDOWS_64BITS_GENERIC
00:00:00.548132 SQPmp Socket connection successful: host =, port = 18083, master socket = 772
00:00:05.547069 Watchdog Statistics: 0 websessions, 0 references
00:00:07.737377 SQPmp Request 1 on socket 780 queued for processing (1 items on Q)
00:00:07.739376 SQW01 New SOAP thread started
00:00:07.741377 SQW01 Processing connection from IP= socket=780 (0 out of 1 threads idle)
00:00:07.744379 SQW01 External authentication library is 'VBoxAuthSimple'
00:00:07.746381 SQW01 Access for user 'xxxx' granted
00:00:07.751385 SQPmp Request 2 on socket 780 queued for processing (1 items on Q)
00:00:07.753386 SQW01 Processing connection from IP=x.x.x.30 socket=780 (0 out of 1 threads idle)
00:00:07.764393 SQPmp Request 3 on socket 780 queued for processing (1 items on Q)
00:00:07.767394 SQW01 Processing connection from IP=x.x.x.30 socket=780 (0 out of 1 threads idle)[/code]