
is there any way to restrict certain users to a specificc virtual box?

  • omitter

    omitter - 2015-04-03

    Hi forum,

    is there any way to restrict certain users to a specificc virtual box?
    i see that there are groups in phpvirtualbox and severeal approaches how to authenticate, but is it possible with the bultin functionality to bind users to a specific virtual box?

    thanks for your help.

  • Ian Moore

    Ian Moore - 2015-04-04


    No, this is not possible.

  • omitter

    omitter - 2015-04-07

    thanks ian!
    is there any workaround for this? i guess it might be possible to install different phpVirtualBox instances and let them create their own VMs, right?

    thanks again

  • Ian Moore

    Ian Moore - 2015-07-30

    It is possible to run multiple instances of vboxwebsrv and phpvirtualbox that point to the different vboxwebsrv instances to restrict users to their own VMs. Each vboxwebsrv would have to be configured to run as a different user and on a different port.


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