I have been using phpVirtualBox for a long time with Gentoo. Upto Virtualbox 5.0.4, phpVirtualbox worked very well together.
phpVirtualBox with VB > 5.0.4 worked on one system, while another had some issues.

Now with VirtualBox 5.1.24 and phpVirtualbox 5.0.5, I have the following problem:
After a long pause (for example over a weekend), where I do not use phpvirtualbox, when I try to login, the "General communication error" pops up. Reloading the page, I have to reenter my creditals and the error popsup again. This goes for around 5-10 and at one point, I am able to login and use phpvirtualbox. I can logout and relogin and it works everytime (until there is a long pause).

I have the impression that phpvirtualbox does not wait long enough for the server (vboxwebsrv) to respond. I have seen that this server has longer to ask for ssh password after a weekend, so I assume that the same applies to phpvirtualbox too.

Has anyone experinced similar things? Has anybody a hint where I can increase the timeout?


PS: The only usable Virtualbox above 5.1 is the 5.1.24 with phpvirtualbox 5.0.5. At the moment all seems to work well with php 7.0