
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing 14 results of 14

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated
62 Rotation parameter differs between GD and convert None open 2012-11-17 2012-12-06  
60 config_allow_src_above_docroot not taking custom value None open 2012-04-13 2014-09-04  
59 External Image Retrieval Failed None open 2012-01-12 2012-12-06  
57 ResolveFilenameToAbsolute returns path relative to phpThumb None open 2011-11-03 2012-12-06  
56 patch note None open 2010-11-24 2012-12-06  
55 no extensions files None open 2010-11-21 2012-12-06  
54 PHP 5.3 fix with config file None open 2010-04-22 2012-12-06  
53 phpthumb php 5.3 fix None open-fixed 2010-01-23 2010-01-23  
52 PHP 5.3 eregi() deprecated, no thumb None open 2009-11-12 2009-11-12  
51 90% Memory Reduction in BMPtoGD None open 2009-03-24 2012-12-06  
50 auto rotate shifts the requested dimensions None open 2008-10-10 2012-12-06  
49 Errors generated when configured to not cull cache None open 2008-05-22 2012-12-06  
48 WMI with 300 DPI JPEG None open 2007-11-13 2012-12-06  
47 temp file not deleted None open 2007-11-07 2012-12-06  
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