
XML and Remote View

  • Paul

    Paul - 2007-04-30

    Okay, I have multiple internal servers. Each one i can access but seeing as i only have 1 external ip i cant access each individually with out using proxypass or different ports in apache.

    So My question is has anyone built a script to read the xml file and output it to a theme like classic in phpsysinfo. i really need it bad.

    If anyone can provide help please respond

    • Paul

      Paul - 2007-05-01

      NeverMind. I made one. i got it for anyone who would like to use it. Only thing is its alot of staticly set things. and Uses the Classic Theme. And its meant for Linux systems. I set the memory to use kernel cache and buffers. I will work on it to make it more windows compatiable. Doesnt show Bogomips either due to the fact the XML doesnt export that.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2007-05-01