
my wischlist to the project

  • Muschelpuster

    Muschelpuster - 2014-04-18

    At first many thanks for this project. It is very small, easy to set up - just the right for many situations.
    I have at this time 2 wishes:
    1. A test-option to send a test email in the email-setup. Otherwhise I don't know that the settings are ok without to simulate a problem on a monitored system.
    2. A public site which allows to visit the server-state without login. Mayby it's possible to give the servers a new flag 'public', so the user can define which system should be displayed on the public-site.


  • Pep

    Pep - 2014-04-18

    Hi Niels,
    Thanks for your feedback. Regarding your wishes:

    1. I have put it on the list for a future release ( Several other people have asked about this.
    2. Is already on the todo-list ( and will hopefully be available in the next release.


  • Muschelpuster

    Muschelpuster - 2014-04-18

    Oh, that sounds good. One more point I have:
    It will be interisting, why a server is down. Is it realy down or only a problem in the network? A simple way to see this will be a option to do a traceroute if a server down dedected and add it to the email.


  • Pep

    Pep - 2014-04-19

    Hi Niels,
    If a server is down it should send you the error that has occurred in the mail, and you can find it on the history page of a server.
    There is currently not an easy system to add your own hooks and/or callbacks when a server goes down but it is in the works for a future release.


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