Ankit Shah - 2014-08-26

Hi There,

Thanks for sharing this good component. I have checked and installed component in my web browser and working fine. But reference to my project requirement, I having html page which is type of report page which needs to export to rtf format. I have checked that report export to rtf is basically working fine but facing few issues as follows,

  1. Currently, after exporting from html to rtf, rtf can not editable. How to make it editable?
  2. Rtf file generation time approx higher as approx 2-3 minutes and size is approx 30MBs. How we can reduce it?
  3. If html have table with formatting, its not maintained in the exported rtf file.
  4. If html have graphics, its not maintained in the exported rtf file.
  5. Font style for "H1, H2, H3, Body etc" not maintained in the exported rtf file.
  6. In the html table which have style based scroll bar, while exporting repot to rtf, in new page of table header must be repeated. Currently its not repeating headers.
  7. In the html, if two components overlaps, while exporting report to rtf, report is not contain both the elements.

Can you please guide me further.

Thanks in advanced,