
Get total number of pages

  • Daniele Serfilippi

    Hello sigmaz, is there a way to get the total number of pages of the entire document?

  • Steffen Zeidler

    Steffen Zeidler - 2011-02-21

    Unfortunately there is no information about how many pages a document has by PHPRtfLite. It will be calculated by the text viewer you use to open the rtf document.


  • Alex Mora

    Alex Mora - 2013-07-03

    Hi, in Element.php add this line in public static function convertTagsToRtf

    /< numpages[ ](\/)?[ ]>/smi,

    Now, I can get The total number of pages and I can print "Page 1 of 56"


    Last edit: Alex Mora 2013-07-03
  • Rifki Permana

    Rifki Permana - 2017-03-20

    Alex Mora: can you give sample how to use your additional script?


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