

  • Steffen Zeidler

    Steffen Zeidler - 2010-03-12

    PHPRtfLite 1.0 RC1 has been released

    PHPRtfLite 1.0 is a full rewrite of the almost two years old version 0.3 and does now take advantages of PHP 5 object orientation.

    What has changed:
    - PHPRtfLite has a built-in autoloader, you may use, but you do not have to
    - all classes are having the prefix PHPRtfLite to avoid name conflicts
    - exception handling has been added
    - setting borders has been changed
    - constants has moved into the classes
    - color hex numbers can be 3 or 6 digits (#f03 or #ff0033)
    - showing a missing image, if the image file does not exists
    - new feature: footnote and endnote support
    - and some bugs fixes

    Some methods are renamed but, to keep a bit backward compatibility the old methods are still there, but will be removed in the future, may be in version 1.1 or later if users will need more time to adapt their code. (You will have to tell us.)

    Sample files are also included, of course.

    Future plans for PHPRtfLite

    Some words about the future of PHPRtfLite. For getting the version 1.0 stable we will need your help. So please let us know about bugs, missing functionality or circuitous behavior.

    For the next version 1.1 we like to hear from you which functionalities you would desire most.

    Here a list of possible features, that could be implemented into the next version:
    - Comments
    - Table of contents
    - Nested tables
    - your suggestion?

    SVN repository folders has changed

    To checkout the version 1.0:
    svn co

    Older versions are available under tags.

  • Steffen Zeidler

    Steffen Zeidler - 2010-03-27

    PHPRtfLite 1.0 has been released

    I'm happy to announce the 1.0 release of PHPRtfLite. The changes are as follows:

    Autoloader now validates class names for better security
    Replaced class PHPRtfLite_Note to PHPRtfLite_Footnote and PHPRtfLite_Endnote, because it's more clear and a better OO-Design
    Bugs fixed: #2971336, #2969964


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