Azumandias - 2013-10-10

For anyone that would like to use this (for v1.2) add the following to /lib/PHPRtfLite/Table.php:

 * sets paddings to cells of a given cell range
 * @param   integer $paddingLeft
 * @param   integer $paddingTop
 * @param   integer $paddingRight
 * @param   integer $paddingBottom
 * @param   integer $startRow       start row
 * @param   integer $startColumn    start column
 * @param   integer $endRow         end row, if null, then vertical alignment is set only to the row range.
 * @param   integer $endColumn      end column, if null, then vertical alignment is set just to the column range.
public function setCellPaddingsForCellRange($paddingLeft, $paddingTop, $paddingRight, $paddingBottom, $startRow, $startColumn, $endRow = null, $endColumn = null)
    list($startRow, $startColumn, $endRow, $endColumn)
            = PHPRtfLite_Table::getValidCellRange($startRow, $startColumn, $endRow, $endColumn);

    if ($this->checkIfCellExists($startRow, $startColumn)
        && $this->checkIfCellExists($endRow, $endColumn))
        $cells = $this->getCellsByCellRange($startRow, $startColumn, $endRow, $endColumn);
        foreach ($cells as $cell) {
            $cell->setCellPaddings($paddingLeft, $paddingTop, $paddingRight, $paddingBottom);

Last edit: Azumandias 2013-10-10