0b101010 - 2012-07-13


I  made a simple change to add support for double borders. I don't yet know how to use subversion so until I find time to read the manual here are the changes I made should anyone else need them.

Edit File lib/Border/Format.php

Add The Following To the list of constants at the start of "class PHPRtfLite_Border_Format"

 const TYPE_DOUBLE   = 'double';

And Add the following to the switch in "private function getTypeAsRtfCode"

            case self::TYPE_DOUBLE:
                return '\brdrdb';

Also also tried the shadow (brdrsh) and hairline (brdrhair) border styles, but word 2010 did not display them differently to the single border type. http://search.cpan.org/~sburke/RTF-Writer-1.11/lib/RTF/Writer.pod#Cell_Border_Syntax

