
Table columns too wide to fit

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-20

    If table columns are too many and collectively too wide to fit in a page width, is there any methods within the library that can automatically truncate the table and display the remaining table on the next line onwards or we have to manually do that in codes?

  • Steffen Zeidler

    Steffen Zeidler - 2010-08-28

    I'm not sure, if I understand your point. When you have many columns so that the table doesn't fit on a page the columns should float to the next line?? That does not make much sense to me.
    And what do you mean with truncating the table? Shall the content of the column be truncated, so that the table fits? Or shall the columns, that does not fit on the page be truncated? How does it work in text editors? MS Word wraps the content (even in words) to fit the columns in the table and if this is not possible they do only display a part of the first character.

    At the moment I think there is no other way, to set column widths manually in the code. :-(


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