
Problem width cell height

  • Sajax

    Sajax - 2011-07-06

    Found strange bug: I can't create table cell with height less than 1cm. I can write 0.2, 0.5, but it still is the same 1cm.  Still, getHeight() returns correctly 0.2  or 0.5 or whatever. If I make it, for example, 1.5, it works. Tested in Word 2007 and OpenOffice 3.2.

  • Steffen Zeidler

    Steffen Zeidler - 2011-07-18

    Hi there,

    I fixed it in trunk and branch 1.1. There will be a new release around the weekend, I think.
    Please keep in mind, if you do not specify a cell font the default font will be used that might be higher than your defined row height. In that case the cell height is as high as the default font size, which is 12pt as default.

    Hope this will be of help. If you still have problems with setting the row height, please let me know.

    Best regards,


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