MoJo - 2014-10-21

I have been banging my head against the wall with this for the past few days. Basically here is the scripting that I have to try and generate multiple QR codes for the part numbers.

include "qrlib.php";
$nw = mysql_query("select pn from parts where type = 15");
while($r = mysql_fetch_array($nw)) {
echo $r['pn'];
echo "


So when I run this script it shows a broken image, if I commend out the "echo $r['pn'];" line then I see the QR code for the first part number and then it stops processing. I have scanned through the other files that qrlib.php calls and haven't seen where it "Dies" or "Destroys" the script, but when I run just the query and echo the part numbers without the "QRCODE::" line it shows all 7 part numbers. Any help would be really appreciated.