
looks great but in action is hit or miss

  • drew22

    drew22 - 2007-03-29

    I'm testing the DoDirectPayment example and sometimes it works and other times it doesn't -- kind of random.  php 5.2.1 OS X

    When it fails I get an internal error response:

    stdClass Object
        [Timestamp] => 2007-03-29T21:06:50Z
        [Ack] => Failure
        [CorrelationID] => 13084056280f2
        [Errors] => stdClass Object
                [ShortMessage] => Internal Error
                [LongMessage] => Internal Error
                [ErrorCode] => 10001
                [SeverityCode] => Error

        [Version] => 2.400000
        [Build] => 1.0006
        [Amount] => stdClass Object
                [_] => 232.00
                [currencyID] => USD


    A successful transaction returns this:

    stdClass Object
        [Timestamp] => 2007-03-29T21:02:48Z
        [Ack] => Success
        [CorrelationID] => f06274ead4f7b
        [Version] => 2.400000
        [Build] => 1.0006
        [Amount] => stdClass Object
                [_] => 232.00
                [currencyID] => USD

        [AVSCode] => X
        [CVV2Code] => M
        [TransactionID] => 28W87614CX3909034

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    • drew22

      drew22 - 2007-06-04

      It's all rock-solid now. don't know what the problem was.

      On my production server with APC, a print_r() on the response object causes a crash, so use var_dump() instead

    • Israel Ekpo

      Israel Ekpo - 2007-06-09

      This hit or miss observation is common in the Sandbox environments. It's not common in production environments.


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