
Links module problem...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2000-08-01

    Hi there.
    I can add links, remove links etc... but whenever I want to view my links, like when clicking on any of the categories or sub-categories, I get the following error:

    Warning: 0 is not a MySQL result index in /www/htdocs/windsurf/links.php3 on line 398

    Someone suggested me that it was a 2.0, 2.2 versions problem, that I should install 2.0.3 or upgrade from 1.0 to .0.3, I actually did all that, and I even created the database and tables from scratch, but it still doesn't work. I'm really desperate with this thing, can anyone help me? please?

    • Maximino Ameneiro

      Modify all the lines like this<br>
      mysql_query("select title from links_categories where cid=$cid"); <br>
      with this one:<br>
      mysql_query("select title from $dbname.links_categories where cid=$cid");

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2000-08-04

        Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid it still doesn't work. I changed my links.php3 file as you said, but I still get the same error. I even changed all the "selects from table" to "select from $dbname.table" to see if it made any difference, but still no luck. Any other thing I can try?

        Thank you.

        • Maximino Ameneiro

          Try this bill0r:
          mysql_query("select title from $dbname.links_categories where cid=$'cid'");

          • Maximino Ameneiro

            I'm sorry bill0r, is in this form:
            mysql_query("select title from $dbname.links_categories where cid='$cid'");

            • Anonymous

              Anonymous - 2000-08-19

              Hi maximino:
              I changed everything you said, I still get the same shitty error, my web site is ready and waiting for me to fix that stupid error, but maybe my skills are not good enough, if you would, could you email me your links.php3 file so I can compare it with mine? thanks. my email address is:

              • Maximino Ameneiro

                Excuse me bill0r, i had several problems to login (SSL).
                I didn't modified the links.php3 file but I have a similar problem in header.php3 and changing that code, the problem haven't ocurred anymore.


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