wwttnn - 2008-06-18

I've got the beta 3 installed and I've got several issues. When I try to print an account in .pdf it doesn't work whether it was created in firefox or in IE. Even when i try to create an account in IE, right after hitting the “create” button it shows the following text: “A Submit button was pressed but no buttonID was sent”. When I try to print in HTML, not only appears the account that I've just created, It shows all the accounts created! Also when I check the accounts created and take a look at the date and the time it shows  0000-00-00 00:00:00  . I think that it isn't saving the creation and the activation data, or it isn't showing it. When I try to check the statistics it won't show me the graphics. I've tried with the RC” version and I've got more issues with it than with the beta 3. Which I think is strange because the RC” version is the one that is best seen in IE than in firefox, rather than the beta 3. Besides the RC” won't let me change the printed cards, because it fails when I try to change the logo. The graphic isn't shown