
No Answers

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-12

    Since I haven't gotten any answers, I decided I didn't give enough
    information. So here goes. I'm running the latest WampServer on Windows 7. I
    have both mysql 5.1.36 and 5.1.53 installed but am using 5.1.36. I upgraded
    phpmyfamily 1.42 to 2.03. It seemed to go OK. How ever now I get this: Error
    retrieving images from database. Site Statistics show there are 19 Images. I
    have a directory under Dowell/phpmyfamily named photos. In my family_config
    table there is a column named imagedir containing photos/. I also have the
    other two problems.

    Thanks in advance for your help in resolving the above.

    R Dowell

  • Valerie Holfield

    I don't really have the experience to troubleshoot this. Have you tried doing
    a fresh install of the newer version in another directory and importing your
    info and seeing how that goes?

  • Ian Wright

    Ian Wright - 2011-10-13

    The first thing to do is to look at the file error.log and see if there's any
    useful information in there.

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-13

    Where do I find the file error log?

    R Dowell

  • Ian Wright

    Ian Wright - 2011-10-13

    It's probably in the root directory of your install

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-13

    I don't see any log files except the CHANGELOG. I think I'll dump my database
    and do a fresh install.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Ian Wright

    Ian Wright - 2011-10-13

    The location of the error.log file will depend on how your php is set up I
    think - it's worth having a look as it's really useful if you're having

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-14

    I wasn't able to find the error.log file, I don't think error logging is
    turned on, and I'm not sure how to do that. However I tried to upgrade again
    and all the forms look right, but the drop down list of people doesn't fill
    and it still can't find my photos. The site statistics show the correct number
    of people and photos. There are surely a couple files are settings that
    control these two errors.

    Would appreciate any ideas.


    R Dowell

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-15

    OK, I have to admit I'm just dumb, I had dojo in the wrong place. When I fixed
    that everything looks find except for some reason my images links are still
    broken, at this point I only have 19 and will reload them.


    R Dowell

    I did try to edit the php.ini file to log errors but that didn't work so I
    must be doing something wrong there.

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-16

    Got the error log to work, this is the output:

    PHP Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in
    C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\inc\DateUtil.php on line 149

    PHP Stack trace:

    PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:0

    PHP 2. include_once() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:66

    PHP 3. Event->setFromPost()

    PHP 4. DateUtil::resolveDate()

    PHP Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in
    C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\inc\DateUtil.php on line 151

    PHP Stack trace:

    PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:0

    PHP 2. include_once() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:66

    PHP 3. Event->setFromPost()

    PHP 4. DateUtil::resolveDate()

    PHP Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in
    C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\inc\DateUtil.php on line 149

    PHP Stack trace:

    PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:0

    PHP 2. include_once() C:\wamp\www\Dowell\phpmyfamily\passthru.php:66

    PHP 3. Event->setFromPost()

    PHP 4. DateUtil::resolveDate()

    Could you tell me how to fix the ereg() problem?

    I did reload one image and when I tried to view it this is what was returned:

    The image "http://localhostDowell/phpmyfamily/output.php?image=oooo1&thumb=tr
    cannot be displayed because it contains errors. Does this mean my images have
    errors or did something go wrong it the upload process?

    R Dowell

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-17

    I have fixed the deprecated functions. Still have the image problem, I can
    view them with no problem with windows preview so I don't think there is
    anything wrong with the images.

    R Dowell


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