
#45 Skins and Settings


For those of us who aren't all that great at css it would be nice to have a drop-down menu in the admin panel to customize the colors of the chat. Or atleast a form with fields for the different banners/frames/text we could fill out with the colors we wanted them to be.

Also, it would be nice if there was an option in the admin panel to add more than 5 public rooms, And... the ability to set the max message/post length to more than what it is... Only being able to type so many characters really is crippling for what I intend to use the chat for (A fantasy roleplaying game) where people have a tendency to want to get more creative then a small paragraph of text per send.


  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2009-11-18

    Well, send me an email and I can provide to you the latest developing version (1.93-RC6) which might have improved some of these issues.
    - although you may still have to know css, you can choose out of ~20 included skins, then modify any of them, with the possibility to preview the changes on a special page provided from admin panel;
    - let me know how many public/private rooms would you need and I can patch it for you;
    - the input box is still limited to 299 chars; I can change that for you if you wish.

    Ciprian M.

  • Lady Macbeth

    Lady Macbeth - 2012-01-12

    I agree on the skins and uses. I'm going to try to skin mine. I"ve had an RP room, Castle Evermore, for more than 12 years. We've decided to reprise it using another kind of chat software and since I've been on a few sourceforge teams over \the years, I searched here first,. I'm going to use the software for an RP site, Castle, but more, I"m also going to try it out for use in several other kinds of chat rooms too. Several of the sites that i own are computer users sites, as well as crafting sites. I'd like to be able to skin it for any of those, as well as to have the ability to make permanent rooms and registrations that don't go away after four minutes etc.. as well as remove the 299 character limit. Do you see any of these changes in the offing? If you'd like a link and a review, let me know. So far so good. One of my sites is and I'd be pleased to review it and post on the site to get you a bit more notice..



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