
Database errors when installing phpMyChat-Plus (1.94-RC5)

  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-02-02

    I just installed phpMyChat-Plus (1.94-RC5) via Installatron which is incorporated in the cpanel of my linux hosting of my new godaddy hosting account, and when I try to enter a chat room, I get the following errors pasted below.

    I've looked at this forum and found people having similar issues with this chat software, but have not been able to find anything that helps me to fix this issue.
    I've ensured the root and config folders are set to 755 permissions, but it makes no difference.

    Ther URL is here:

    I see the registration page just fine, but when I click to enter any chat room, I get the following:

    Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT password,perms,rooms,allowpopup,last_login,login_counter,join_room,use_sounds FROM mc_reg_users WHERE username='frank' LIMIT 1
    MySQL error: 1054 (Unknown column 'use_sounds' in 'field list')
    Session halted.

    I've messed with all the regiastration settings, but nothing I change seems to make a difference.
    I've turned registration off, and on, no difference, and another weird thing is that when I set registration to the ON position, it insists that I enter a birthday, even though I turned birthday off. Weird.

    I am not a programmer, and have limited skill sets when dealing with this kind of thing, so I'm hoping that you cana ssist me in what to do in order to fix this.
    Frank :)

  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-02-03

    Can anyone help with this issue??

    • Ciprian Murariu

      Ciprian Murariu - 2016-02-03

      Sorry for the delay.
      Forget about installatron. Download RC5 again from here (files) and reinstall it manually.
      Instructions are provided in the install folder.

      If you wish, contact me by email and we can run a Teamviewer session.
      Ciprian M.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-02-03

    So installatron doesn't work??

    • Ciprian Murariu

      Ciprian Murariu - 2016-02-04

      It would work, but they got the first RC5 package I published, which I apologize but it had a small glitch.
      As soon as I been informed of this bug I fixed the release here, but the hosting companies don't seem to know about it. So for the best way is to do it manually.
      It's easy though, just one field to be added  at the end of c_config table.


      Last edit: Ciprian Murariu 2016-02-04
  • Kefir Israel

    Kefir Israel - 2016-06-09

    I'm following in order to obtain the same help/solution.

    Thanks in advance.


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