
Login into Chat (User/Admin)

  • Christian Winter

    Hi, I've got a problem loging into the Chatsystem.
    Every time, after clicking onto the chat-button I get back to the loginscreen without any information.
    Can somebody help me?

  • ajm

    ajm - 2010-03-25

    i have installed and everything including admin login, control panel/settings
    etc seem to work okay, registration of users too (showing in admin).

    however, i and others just cannot get past the login page ../plus/index.php.

    entering username, password, choosing rooms.... clicking chat... returns to

    details gone so have to fill in again, no matter how many tries cannot get
    past this page/view!

    ie no chat window

    any ideas anyone?

  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2010-03-25

    Ok, I got notified by this issue so we go investigate and we'll post here the

    See you in or around your chat :)

    Ciprian M.

  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2010-03-25

    Oh, unfortunately, as you know already, I found out that 1.93 will behave like
    this on php4 servers (yours particularly 4.4.9).

    I couldn't identify what has caused this, so for now, for the other users that
    might encounter the same issue, I strongly recommend using 1.92-f8 - if they
    still run on old php4 servers.

    I am sorry for any inconvenience caused to you - I know you have reinstalled
    like 4 times just to make sure it wasn't you - well, no, it wasn't you! You
    did everthing wonderfully! It seems I failed though ;)

    All the best regards,

    Ciprian M.

  • Els

    Els - 2010-05-15

    Hi Ciprian,

    I just encountered the same problem, but I am not using PHP 4. I'm on PHP
    5.1.6, yet I can't log into the chat. Registration works fine, editing profile
    too, just logging in that doesn't work.


  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2010-05-16

    I always said we need a link to the chat in order to investigate the issue. If
    you don't want to make it public, send it to my email address. Thanks.

    Ciprian M.

  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2010-05-19

    OK, on lm-els reported problem, we just found out that 5.1.6 php version
    doesn't allow to loggin to chat. We couldn't identify where the error is
    because php doesn't log any error. As soon as the php got updated to a
    different version, everything worked as expected. php 5.1.6 has been braodely
    reported as full of bugs and breaking lots of apps.

    So, please be aware that php 5.1.6 will not only keep your chat down, but can
    also affect other apps you may install.

    Solution: request your hosting people to upgrade the php server to a newer 5.2

    All the best!

    Ciprian M.


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