
#96 Installation not running SQL setup


I used the automated install.php that is included, created the database and logins and setup proper access and logged in to phpmyadmin with it to verify it worked.

i went through the setup process and entered the correct information but when i go to login it said login limit to 1 or user not found. (sorry i didn't copy the exact message at the time, i can delete install and DB and try again if you need it)

I went back into the phpMyAdmin to look at the database and it looks like it didn't create any of the tables. I ran the manual sql database creation for a new setup but obviously now i don't have the admin information saved because the database wasn't created initially.

please advise.


  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2015-02-19

    You should safely import the tables from mysql_new_install.txt.
    The default account admin/admin will be created.
    After it's all done, you can either edit completely that account using Edit profile link from the index page or, register your new desired account, then go to phpmyadmin/c_reg_users and change perms field for that account from user to admin.
    In the second case, of course you should also delete the old admin user account (same table).

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-06-01

      "You should safely import the tables from mysql_new_install.txt."

      But how?

  • Ciprian Murariu

    Ciprian Murariu - 2015-06-01

    It is explained in Manual instalation.txt. In phpmyadmin, you go to the chat database you created before (in cpanel) and click on the SQL link and paste the content of that file. or, there is an Import link, where you just browse to the mysql_new_install.txt and then Run.



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