
#1624 Facilitate drag and drop of columns between tables


I ran into a problem creating a table, exceeding the 64 index limit (InnoDb). So I decided to create multiple tables. The structure window facilitates the re-organisation of columns using drag and drop which is really convenient. It would be as convenient if users were able to move columns from one table to another by the same means, without having to individually drop columns and then re-enter them individually into another table.


  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-03-24

    I can see the milestone as "Needs decision". Do I have to wait for change in the milestone? or should I start implementing it right away?

    Can I include this in my GSOC proposal?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-03-24
    • Group: Needs_decision --> Needs_planning
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2015-03-24

    this looks like a good improvement; you can include it in your proposal. Thanks for asking.

  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-03-26


    I think this feature could be implemented by allowing user to drag and drop the existing column from the "browse" page, "structure page" as well as from the navigation tree table column entry, to the "New" column entry in the navigation tree columns section of the target table.

    Would this work fine for you?

    • Marc Delisle

      Marc Delisle - 2015-03-26

      Yes, but maybe dragging from the Browse page is not necessary. Also we'll have to find a way to "advertise" this feature in the UI.

      • Richard

        Richard - 2015-03-26

        From a user perspective, I think moving a column would be best in either
        the navigation tree column and/or the 'Structure' page. In the 'Structure'
        page, have a 'Move' option in the Action list along with Edit and Drop.


        Last edit: Marc Delisle 2015-03-26
  • tapanhalani

    tapanhalani - 2015-03-26

    About that, I thought of an anchor tag "Drag columns to other table" on the structure page alongside the "Move columns" anchor tag, which will open a dialog box unordered sortable list of all the columns , "Go" button and "Cancel" button , same as "Move columns" dialog.

    Only difference is that we would be able to drag the columns from this dialog to the navigation tree.

    Also, I have converted the navigation tree columns list to sortable list for ease of insertion of new column.

    Is this ok?

    • Marc Delisle

      Marc Delisle - 2015-03-26

      this looks fine.