
#1051 (ok 3.0) IP-address field stored as INT

Alex M.

I have many fields wich stores IP-address as INT as a result of ip2long() function.
Please add a transformation option to view this fields as a normal IPv4 address.


  • Gert Palok

    Gert Palok - 2007-10-12

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    Originator: NO

    How do you suppose the column be detected as a network address?
    a) You can't detect it by type - there are far too many uses for UNSIGNED INTEGER
    b) You can't detect it by name - there are far too many variations
    However, the addition of functions INET_ATON and INET_NTOA would be nice

  • Alex M.

    Alex M. - 2007-10-15

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    For example:

    <?php /* libraries/transformations/ */

    function PMA_transformation_text_plain__long2ip($buffer, $options = array(), $meta = '') {
    return long2ip($buffer);


    or something like this.

    It would be nice, if you include this feature in the distribution.

  • Gert Palok

    Gert Palok - 2007-10-15

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    You miss the whole point of my comment... Its easy to convert text to IP and vice versa - both in PHP or using MySQL functions INET_NTOA/INET_ATON

    The point is, which columns to convert and which not
    For example, I might store 4 integers in a VARCHAR column, separated by ".", and they even might be in range 0-255 each, but they are definitely not IP addresses.

  • Sebastian Mendel

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    @gert_p: transformation is an option in phpMyAdmin that has to be defined for every field, this is not done automatically, so there is no need to guess what fields are long ips and what not - this is defined by the user

  • Alex M.

    Alex M. - 2007-10-19

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    I understand, it's not a good idea to automatically determine the INT (or other) fields ;)
    It's impossible and I don't suggest to do it.
    I use "transformations" and feel good.
    So, it might be a usefull transformation and I suggest to include it in the PMA package.

  • Sebastian Mendel

    • priority: 5 --> 1
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cybot_tm
    • summary: IP-address field stored as INT --> (ok 3.0) IP-address field stored as INT
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • James Hanley

    James Hanley - 2008-01-03

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    There is also the issue of ipv6 which is a 4 long word address. Trying to auto detect if an address is stored as an int just falls apart in this case. There is already the ability to store the meta information about a given database in the phpmyadmin database. IMHO, it would be better to include this information there.

  • KwikOne

    KwikOne - 2008-08-28

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    I think you still missed the point of this feature request. It is a request to provide a standard transformation in the normal distribution in the same manner as the text/dateformat and etc. transformations which the user then selects for a specified column. No detection of what it is is even necessary since the user is the one who decides to have the transformation applied.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2008-09-27
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-accepted
  • Michal Čihař

    Michal Čihař - 2013-06-11
    • Status: closed-accepted --> fixed