
#3855 (ok 4.0) IE10 Blank screen issue


When I click a table name (or any of the action tabs), the right pane always show up as a blank screen.

This issue started after installing Internet Explorer 10.

The only way to solve it is to refresh the page.


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  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-25

    I have the same blank pages problem with PMA 3.5.5 and 3.5.7 after installing Internet Explorer 10 under Windows 7 x64. No problems with IE9 or Firefox. Please, post a fix ;)

    PHP 5.4.12 and 5.4.13
    MySQL 5.5.30
    IIS 8.0


    Last edit: JulienTLD 2013-03-25
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    Cannot reproduce this problem with phpMyAdmin 3.5.7. Testing on Windows 7 x64, Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16521.

    Can you produce the problem when accessing ? (user root, no password)

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25
    • assigned_to: Marc Delisle
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25
    • status: open --> pending-works-for-me
  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-25

    Hello Marc,

    Can't reproduce the problem with your demo PMA.

    Same IE10 version than you. Default IE security settings. No IE plugin installed except Adobe Shockwave/Flash, Apple QuickTime and Microsoft Silverlight.

    On the server side, I run IIS 8.0, FastCGI, PHP 5.4.13, MySQL 5.5.30 (mysqli), PMA config auth.

    How can we debug this?

  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-25

    Demo PMA works for me.

    I'm using Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16521

    Loaded addons : Shockwave Flash, DivX Web Player, Java(tm).

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    @JulienTLD: any error in your IIS error log?

    @Ken: are you on IIS too? (I am running Apache and the demo site is running lighttpd)

  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-25

    Sorry Marc, forgot to post the specs.

    Nginx 1.2.7, Apache 2.2.24, PHP 5.3.23, MySQL 5.1.68 (mysqli)

    Nginx handles all incoming connections, PHP is passed off to Apache.


    Last edit: Ken 2013-03-25
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    Ken, anything relevant in the Nginx or Apache error log?

    My IE has Shockwave Flash Object, Adobe PDF Link Helper, Office Document Cache Handler, Java Plug-In SSV Helper and Java Plug-In 2 SSV Helper.

  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-25

    A click on a table name on the left frame gives me in IIS logs:

    2013-03-25 17:27:09 GET /sql.php db=database&token=9f1778d339312e14ca63ea5e0a013b8d&table=table&pos=0 80 SERVER\admin my_ip Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 200 0 0 359

    2013-03-25 17:27:09 GET /navigation.php token=9f1778d339312e14ca63ea5e0a013b8d&server=1&ajax_request=true&recent_table=true&_nocache=1364232416671225572 80 SERVER\admin my_ip Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 200 0 0 406

    No errors, just 200 HTTP codes but right frame is white.


    Last edit: JulienTLD 2013-03-25
  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-25

    This is in the apache error log :

    File does not exist: /www/phpMyAdmin/themes/clearview3/jquery, referer: http://www.*.org/phpmyadmin/main.php?token=15d0f229c3725d7032d2325ca28f0599

    Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /www/phpMyAdmin/themes/clearview3/css/theme_left.css.php on line 17, referer: http://www.*.org/phpmyadmin/navigation.php?token=15d0f229c3725d7032d2325ca28f0599

    Nothing in the Nginx logs.

    These errors don't appear if I use Chrome or FireFox browser.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    clearview3 is a custom theme. What happens if you delete your phpMyAdmin-related cookies and try with the default pmahomme theme?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    JulienTLD, did you look at IE 10's development panel (f12) to see if there are console errors?

  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-25

    Starting IE 10 in "In Private" browsing mode works fine.

    Clearing the cookies did not solve the issue.


    Last edit: Ken 2013-03-25
  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-25

    On the PMA homepage (F12 / Console), I obtain the following :

    HTML1524: DOCTYPE non valide. La déclaration valide la plus courte est « <!DOCTYPE html> »., Ligne 1 Caractère 1

    SEC7115: Les styles de liens visibles et consultés peuvent avoir une couleur différente. Certains styles n’ont pas été appliqués au lien consulté.

    The console gives me nothing after when I click on a link which returns a blank page.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    in the upcoming 4.0 version, we have changed the DOCTYPE. Could you try version 4.0.0-beta2?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-25

    Ken, thanks for the feedback. When not in this mode, did you try in the Console to see whether you get the same warning as JulienTLD?

  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-25

    Ok Marc, I will try it tomorrow morning. Thanks.

  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-26

    Marc, just had a chance to look at that and I get these errors :

    HTML1524: Invalid DOCTYPE. The shortest valid doctype is "<!DOCTYPE html>".

    SEC7115: :visited and :link styles can only differ by color. Some styles were not applied to :visited.

  • Ken

    Ken - 2013-03-26

    I'm not sure if this helps but - when I viewed the source of the blank page, it's only 75 lines long. At the bottom of the source is shows :

    phpMyAdmin is more friendly with a frames-capable browser.

    Almost like it's supposed to show me this message, but instead I just see a blank screen.

  • JulienTLD

    JulienTLD - 2013-03-26

    I just installed PMA 4.0.0-beta2. No more problem with IE10. But after 2 minutes of browsing in PMA, the MySQL Windows service has stopped! Nothing in MySQL logs. Immediate Return to PMA 3.5.7, I prefer blank pages.


    Last edit: JulienTLD 2013-03-26
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-26

    I doubt that these are related. You can browse during two minutes on the development version on

  • robotto7831a

    robotto7831a - 2013-03-26

    I have the same problems with IE10 and Windows 7 64bit.

    My server is an Apache and there is nothing in the error logs. The access log shows only code 200.

    After a refresh I can see the table and after the next click I get a blank page again.

    When I use the beta 2 release everything is fine.


    Last edit: robotto7831a 2013-03-26
  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-26

    @robotto7831a: thanks for the feedback. This seems to point toward the DOCTYPE issue, but still an enigma is why I cannot reproduce the problem with phpMyAdmin 3.5.7 on IE 10.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-03-26
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open
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