
Active Session Lifespan in Database

  • Angel Hernandez

    Angel Hernandez - 2001-11-21

    I've noticed that "active sessions" remain in the database even after logging out.


    Is there a reason I'm missing, or is something not configured correctly on my side? I can't delete the sessions from the view_sessions.php3 either. After check marking the boxes and hitting delete, the session info returns along with the message "0 Sessions Deleted".  I'm baffled here...

    -- Angel

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-04-10

      Sessions are not expired and so they can't be deleted?

    • Conrad Rotondella

      It's hard to say what's wrong cause I can't see your configuration, but the session usually does stay in the DB untill garbage collection is done via the gc() function in sessions. I don't use the view_sessions.php way so I can't help there. What I can say is that in order to delete from any database, the application that's connecting TO the database has to have the proper database privileges. Make sure your *Sql class has a username and password to connect to the database and that the username at the prescribed host has update,delete priviliges on the database as well.

      Good luck



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