
#13 Drop menu appears in wrong place proir to page resizing...


I am using the horozontal menu, and using IE 5 (on Mac OS 9) an
5.2 (on OSX) the drop menu appears in the wrong place (much
further down than expected). However if I resize the window by
any amount and retry the menu it is fine!

This problem does not occur in Firebird or Safari (on OSX)

Broken With:
IE 5.0 on MacOS9
IE 5.2 on Mac OSX

OK With:
Firebird 0.6.1 on Windows
Netscape 7.1 on Windows
IE 5.5 on Windows
Firebird 0.7 on Mac OSX
Safari 1.0 (v85) Mac OSX

Although the menus on your website work fine on all the

The only thing that I can think of is that I am nesting the whole
menu in a table...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    HTML that I am using

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-01-23

    Logged In: YES

    > Broken With:
    > IE 5.0 on MacOS9
    > IE 5.2 on Mac OSX
    > Although the menus on your website work fine on all the
    > browsers...
    > The only thing that I can think of is that I am nesting
    > the whole menu in a table...

    Sorry, but I can only say you that msie is an extremely
    idiotic and cranky software and that such problems with msie
    can appear (also in the mswindows environment, not only
    on MacOS) for many things that are completely non relevant
    but that can unforeseeably trigger at least one of the so many
    and many bugs of msie.

    You should try to change/remove some of that non relevant
    details, such as table nesting, alignment specifications,
    and so on,
    to identify what the hell is hurting msie in your particular

    Anyway, fortunately, MacOSX provides also Safari...

    BTW, I suggest you to consider the following patch,
    that is Safari-related:

    Marco Pratesi

    P.S.: I have noted the test.html page attached, but I do not
    an Apple box to try it; tests on Safari (see the above mentioned
    patch) have been performed on an Apple workstation
    of Comformatica-Vobis (Teramo).

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-01-23

    Logged In: YES

    Anyway, I have downloaded the attached test.html
    and looked a bit at it.

    First: please, do not put all the code on a single line[*],
    it is difficult to manage all the code on a single line.

    bash$ $ wc -l test.html
    0 test.html
    and VIM says
    "test.html" [noeol] 1L, 6901C
    To reasonably handle test.html, I have had to use Nedit.

    Apart from this, PHPLM 3.1.1 has been developed and tested
    with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD, not with the HTML 4.01
    Transitional DTD (even though it should work fine also with
    the HTML 4.01 T. DTD).
    Furthermore, as you can verify on
    your test.html page does not validate as HTML 4.01
    Transitional, and, if you replace the DTD with the XHTML 1.0
    Transitional DTD, validation still returns errors.

    Before trying anything else, I strongly suggest you

    - to use the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD, as in the PHPLM
    3.1.1 examples

    - to fix all validation errors returned using that DTD

    Then try again and check if msie still has problems.

    Marco Pratesi

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    >> First: please, do not put all the code on a single line[*],
    >> it is difficult to manage all the code on a single line.

    Sorry, I am writing all of this in PHP - neglecting to place \n's all over
    the place!

    The problem turns out to be the fact that I didn't place the footer at the
    VERY END of the body... the framework that I am working in made it
    dificult to do this, and I didn't realise it's importance.

    I am sorry for wasting your time on this.

    Thankyou so much for brining PHPLM to existance!

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-01-27
    • status: open --> closed
  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-01-27

    Logged In: YES

    >> First: please, do not put all the code on a single line[*],
    >> it is difficult to manage all the code on a single line.
    > Sorry, I am writing all of this in PHP - neglecting to place
    > \n's all over
    > the place!

    Ehm... then I have opened it with Quanta... and I have
    understood that the file was using the MacOS "\r"
    (whereas Unix uses "\n").

    I have also been able to convert "\r" with "\n" through
    a simple VIM command.

    > I didn't place the footer at the VERY END of the body

    You are not the first one that has done this mistake :-)

    Well, then I change to "closed" the status of this
    support request, OK?

    > Thankyou so much for brining PHPLM to existance!


    Marco Pratesi


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