
#19 RTL languages support


I am attaching files to add RTL languages support to
phplm 3.2.0-rc:

- rtl-20040914.patch is a patch against version 3.2.0-rc

- rtl-files-20040914.tar.gz contains some files to be
added to version 3.2.0-rc

Apply the patch to version 3.2.0-rc, then unpack
rtl-files-*.tar.gz in the phplm directory, then load
If the browser does not detect correctly the charset,
tell the browser to use the UTF-8 charset.

This patch works with the following browsers:

- Mozilla 1.7+, Firefox 0.9+, Netscape 7.2
- Konqueror, Safari
- Opera 7.2+
- Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0

Further notes...

Mozilla 1.6- : really sorry, it does not work and I
have still not had time to identify the reason; anyway,
I suppose that Mozilla users are "aware users" that
keep updated their installations, so that, at this
moment, supporting Mozilla 1.7+ is a good result anyway.

Konqueror: alas, there is a minor problem in some
cases, I still have not found any way to workaround
this problem without breaking support of other
browsers; this problem seems due to a Konqueror bug
(maybe I should report it to the KDE bugzilla); anyway,
everything is completely usable on Konqueror.

Opera: versions before 7.2 do not support RTL
languages, hence I am disregarding completely all
versions before 7.2.

Internet Explorer 5.0: it does not work and I have
still not had time to identify the reason; anyway, IMO,
breaking support of such an old and buggy and crappy
browser is an acceptable sacrifice.

Internet Explorer for Mac: it does not support RTL
languages at all, hence I am disregarding it completely.

This patch has not been widely tested and has to be
considered of alpha-quality, use it at your own risk.

Everyone interested and able to improve it is strongly
encouraged to contribute and help us to provide a
better RTL support.

Many thanks to stakadush, that has cooperated with me
to develop this patch.

Marco Pratesi


  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-09-14

    Patch to add RTL support to phplm 3.2.0-rc

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2004-09-14

    Additional files to add RTL support to phplm 3.2.0-rc

  • Marco Pratesi

    Marco Pratesi - 2005-03-31

    Logged In: YES

    Update: good news! :-)

    > Konqueror: alas, there is a minor problem in some
    > cases,

    Such minor problems seem to be solved
    with the Konqueror 3.4.0 release :-)))
    Tested with KDE 3.4.0 official source tarballs
    compiled on Mandrake Linux 10.1 Official.

    About Mozilla, it seems that everything
    still works fine also on Firefox 1.0.2
    (tested on a package rebuilt on MDK 10.1
    using a .src.rpm downloaded from MDK Cooker).

    Marco Pratesi


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