
IE6 Issue with PHPLM 3.0.0

  • Christian Schlettig

    Javascript Problem on resizing Window in IE6 (WinXP, Win2K)
    when i resize from full screen to smaller view or vice versa, i'll get a java script error 'Line 32: numl is undefined'
    This occurs in file libjs/layersmenu.js
    There are two times this variable is used in the whole phplm both are in this file and it seems that it has no value assigned to it.
    Anyone an idea to this as i am absolutly no javascript expert..


    • Marco Pratesi

      Marco Pratesi - 2003-12-06

      I have not been able to reproduce the problem
      you are reporting.

      Please provide more informations; as an example,
      do you reproduce the problem on the demo page,
      i.e. on something like

      Marco Pratesi

      • Xavier

        Xavier - 2008-11-14

        I hate to dig this up out of the graveyard, but I am having a very similar issue.  I have a slideshow on the same page as with the Layers Menu.  After the slideshow loads the next image, I get "'numl' is undefinded".  I have traced it back to the phplayersmenu.

        I have found this issue in both IE 6 and IE 7.  Firefox doesn't seem to record any errors that I can see of.

        You can see it for yourself:

        This is just a test gallery:

        I can provide more information, just let me know what you need.


    • Xavier

      Xavier - 2008-11-14

      I forgot to mention, I am using PHP Layers Menu 3.20-rc.

      Thank you,



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