
"x x great grand...." -> Danish

  • patricksorensen

    patricksorensen - 2009-08-15


    I have a question regarding the use of "x number of great grandson-daughter" etc...

    In the English language, ancestors are written like this:

    1) Me
    2) parent
    3) grandparent
    4) great grandparent
    5) 2 x great grandparent
    6) 3 x great grandparent
    and so on...

    In Danish:
    1) Me
    2) forælder (parent)
    3) bedsteforælder (grandparent)
    4) oldeforældre (great grandparent)
    5) tipoldeforældre ( 2 x great grandparent)
    6) 2 x tipoldeforældre (3 x great grandparent)
    7) 3 x tipoldeforælder (4 x great grandparent).

    As you can see, the "multiplying" of  "great" is not the same as the Danish use of  multiplying "tip".

    How can I correct this?

    I'm using version 4.2.2

    - Patrick

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-08-15

      You might be able to alter the language variables, which are stored in the file /languages/lang.da.php.

      If that works, and is correct for the Danish language, then post the revised file to the 'Patches' section here for inclusion with the next release of PGV.

      If its not that simple, you might need a new relationship function just for the Danish language. Other languages have those. They are new function files created and stored in the folder /includes/extras. Look at some of the others already there to get an idea of what is required.

    • patricksorensen

      patricksorensen - 2009-08-16

      I think I found another solution...

      In the lang.da.php - file it says something like
      // in this text %1\$d is replaced with the number of generations
      // %2\$d is replaced with the number of generations - 1
      // %3\$d is replaced with the number of generations - 2
      $pgv_lang[n_x_grandson_from_son"] = "%3\%d x ..."
      If the system could recognize %4\$d - deducting even more generations - I expect it would work...

      I'll take a look at the /includes/extras folder :)


    • Gerry Kroll

      Gerry Kroll - 2009-08-17

      I don't think that a change to the Danish files as you propose will do the trick.

      I think we'll have to resort to the "brute force" method, where a check is made for the existence of a language variable that explicitly defines the text for a given relationship.  If the text is present, it should be used.  If the text is absent, the generic relationship descriptor should be used.

      There will be NO patch for this, but this proposal might be implemented in version 4.2.3, which is NOT due to be released for some time.


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