
Translating Dutch to Russian

  • Boudewijn Sjouke

    Hi all,

    Perhaps I have found someone who is willing to make the Russian translation of PGV. The situation is this:
    - Russian is her mothertongue
    - She doesn't know english very well
    - She lives in the Netherlands and wants to improve her knowledge of dutch

    Now my question: is it possible that the language-editor shows dutch and russian instead of english and russian?
    Such a swap is only intended for translationpurposes on a developmentsite. Perhaps by renaming the en to nl files and vice versa?


    • Arne Eckmann

      Arne Eckmann - 2004-02-01

      Hi Boudewijn

      In that situation I simply would temporary rename all the english language files and next I would temporary rename all the Dutch language files to the English language files names.

      Best regards,

      • Phantomas

        Phantomas - 2004-02-01

        Hi Boudewijn and Arne...

        I just can say:

        "Si" to Arne's mail ;-)

        This only works fine if you have a correct translations of the english file inside the dutch ones.

        As you know there might be some problems if you translate from a language file, which was translated from the original one :-)

        • Boudewijn Sjouke

          Hi Kurt and Arne,

          Thanks for your suggestions! I'm very well aware of the fact that working from dutch to russian is relying on 2nd hand information, but on the other hand (how can I say different!) I think the dutch translation reflects well what is meant in the english langfiles.
          Also the updating to new versions is two-stage: first there has to be a dutch translation before there can be a russian translation. But at the moment there is close to nothing at all, so for the near future that's no real problem!

          Thanks again!

    • Arne Eckmann

      Arne Eckmann - 2004-02-01

      Hi Boudewijn and Kurt

      I guess that the quality of the translation from Dutch to Russian also depend on if the translator is a regular phpGedView user or not.

      Best regards,


      • Phantomas

        Phantomas - 2004-02-01



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