
Making DB changes suddenly blocked

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2004-10-11

    Everything was fine until suddenly we are getting errors. When we try to make a change, update an INDI or modify a fact and then approve, we get the error:
    "ERROR:Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
    SQL:INSERT INTO pgv_individuals VALUES ('I12848','Arnold.ged','I12848','Vallelunga, John Victor',-1,'0 @I12848@ INDI 1 NAME John Victor /Vallelunga/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1951 1 FAMC @F7052@ 1 FAMS @F7054@ 1 FAMS @F7133@ 1 FAMS @F7132@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 10 Oct 2004 3 TIME 22:12:38 2 _PGVU Stephen 1 ADOP 2 PLAC Santa Rosa, CA 2 NOTE Adoption of daughter, Jadine 1 OCCU Electronics Engineer 2 PLAC Aligent - Sonoma Co, CA ')"

    Earlier, the DB started acting up when we tried to add a registered user and got a similar error:
    "ERROR:Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
    SQL:INSERT INTO pgv_users VALUES('jvall','BPMSKjFHBYsiA','John Victor Vallelunga','a:2:{s:10:"Arnold.ged";s:6:"I12848";s:11:"VanPelt.ged";s:0:"";}','a:2:{s:10:"Arnold.ged";s:0:"";s:11:"VanPelt.ged";s:0:"";}','N','a:2:{s:10:"Arnold.ged";s:3:"yes";s:11:"VanPelt.ged";s:2:"no";}','','yes','yes','english','','1097456425','','','N','0','messaging2')

    Unable to add user. Please go back and try again."

    Can someone help? What has happened? Still using 3.1 final with slight mods.

    • John Finlay

      John Finlay - 2004-10-11

      Hi Stephen,

      Have you done any testing of v3.2 beta with the same database setup as yoru v3.1? 

      v3.2 alters the table structure to add some new columns to the tables.  If you ever ran v3.2 on the same database that your 3.1 configuration points to, then your database will be incompatible with 3.1


    • Stephen Arnold

      Stephen Arnold - 2004-10-12

      John - Thanks
      OOPS, maybe that was it. Oh Well, on to 3.2 then.


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