
No recent changes on welcome page

  • Irmi Gegner-Suenkler

    Hello from Germany -

    Some time ago we had an update of our server operating system, and so we
    had to update PhpGedView, too. We now run PhpGedView 4.2.4 stable. But
    even since we activated the "Recent Changes" view on the welcome page,
    the changes do not appear. You can see a "loading circle" when you load
    the welcome page - then it disappears - but no recent changes show up.
    The other elements of the welcome page seem to be correct.

    PhpGedView 4.2.4 stable (updated from 4.2.2)
    Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-amd64
    Webserver: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
    PHP version: PHP/5.3.3-7 with Suhosin-Patch
    MySQL version: 5.1.49

    Any ideas how to fix the recent changes view on the welcome page?


  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-18

    You should be upgrading to the "SVN" version.  This version is identical to 4.2.4 but includes bug fixes discovered after 4.2.4 was released.  There are no new "unstable" features.  This version self-identifies as "4.3.0 SVN".  The only difference is that there is no "config.php" file.  There's "config.dist", which needs to be renamed to "config.php" when you are doing a completely fresh install instead of an upgrade.

    This version does not, however, address your concern.

    Are you talking about changes that occurred before you did the upgrade, or are these changes that you made after the upgrade? 

    If you are not seeing changes made prior to the upgrade - that's true.  When you re-import the GEDCOM, as you're supposed to, the Recent Changes file "index/pgv_changes.php"  is cleared.  This will happen every time you re-upload or re-import your GEDCOM.  In your particular case, you can probably just restore the file from the backup you should have made before upgrading.

    Don't forget also that the Recent Changes block has several configuration options that affect how it behaves.  There's the Cache Life option, default 1, meaning that today's changes won't appear until tomorrow.  There's also an option that controls how far into the past the block will look, default 30, meaning that changes older than 30 will not be shown.  There's a last option that, when set, will hide the block completely when there are no changes to show.

    If the "hide empty" option is active, you won't be able to change any of the block's configuration options until it is no longer empty.  You can force a reset of these options by deleting the block from the Welcome page and then adding it again.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-18

    I have just re-read your original post.

    You should check that the file "index/pgv_changes.php" is writable by PhpGedView.

  • Irmi Gegner-Suenkler

    Thank you very much - we will try!

  • HAJ

    HAJ - 2011-03-20

    I'm working with gegner-suenkler to solve this problem.
    How can I edit the configuration options of the Recent Changes block especially the Cache Life option.
    The file "index/pgv_changes.php" is writable because the Pending Changes block is shown normally. But after confirming the changes pgv_changes.php is empty again.
    A last question: where is the "hide empty" option?

  • ggpauly

    ggpauly - 2011-03-20

    The "Hide Empty" option is in the configuration for the Recent Changes block.  It's labelled "Should this block be hidden when it is empty?".

    I've uploaded a patch that addresses some of the bugs in the manage blocks in "Customize MyGedView Portal".

    Since you're working on blocks would you mind testing this?  Both files are needed.  It doesn't fix all the configuration/customization bugs, but it makes it more usable when there are multiple blocks of the same type.  (try moving around two advanced HTML blocks on the same side).

    Also - unfinished loading of the Welcome/myGedView pages can be because of timing out.  It might be another block is using all the time.  The statistics with common surnames can be a culprit with large databases.


  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-21

    I'll try to determine where the Recent Changes block is actually getting its information.

  • ggpauly

    ggpauly - 2011-03-23

    In testing the patch  (see above - new version available today) I  ran into some behavior that might be what you're experiencing.

    If you move all the blocks to the right side they never finish loading.  I put some code in the patch to prevent this. Instead, put all the blocks on the left side (also called 'main') if you want one column.


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