
Map on individual page

  • David Smart

    David Smart - 2016-08-07

    I've been more or less successful with the map - but never quite felt like I had it under control. I have an individual, for which the marriage place has city, county, state, and country. If I click on the inidividual page map, the map is at 0, 0 (off the coast of Africa).

    On the Edit Interface (for the edit marriage pop-up), expanding "Marriage Place", all is filled in - however there should be a graphic for "USA_Californial" which only shows the broken graphic icon.

    I tagged the gps icon, to expand to show the Lat and Lon, and filled that in (N34.0547, W118.2415 in this case). And yet, the individual map remains at 0,0.

    I guess there is a series of issues in this note, hopefully somebody can help me out.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2016-08-07

    Forget those maps.

    Google "improved" their Google Maps service, and PhpGedView was never updated to make use of these "improvements". The old calling sequences that PhpGedView is still using are no longer supported by Google Maps.

    There's not much chance that this situation will ever be corrected. I don't use the latitude and longitude of places in my database, and I have no inclination to even build some test data to get this rarely used feature working again.

    If you insist that the locations have to be pinpointed on maps, I suggest you switch to using Webtrees instead of PhpGedView. Webtrees has much better support, and I have no reason to suspect that Webtrees doesn't interface properly with the "improved" Google Maps.

  • David Smart

    David Smart - 2018-01-02

    For others that might come across this post - the Google maps interface is functioning (almost fully later in 2016 and early 2017). Thanks to the maintainers!


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