
Is it possible to do calculations in report

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-14

    I would have created a modified pedigree report that asks for the user to enter the chart number. I would like to calculate or display the chart numbers for the next page based on the users on this page.  Person #16 on chart #1 becomes person #1 one Chart #2.  I would like to add what chart the user goes to.

    I tried using extra.en.php but the problem I have is I have to make the language variable on the fly kind of.

    User enters current Chart No.  I've calculated (current chart * 16) - 14 = next chart number based on the 5 gen chart table.

    Alternatively is there any way to print out the pedigree for the entire ancestory? 

    Your help is greatly appreciated.  I'm a newbie at PHPGedView and PHP in general but pretty fast learner.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-14

    I should have added what I was trying to do was something like:
      <PGVRvar var="pgv_lang[DLB_NextCharNo_$DLB_ChartNo]" />
    Where I know the present chart number because the user entered it, I know the user has to enter it but better for me at least now.  The text would read "#16 on this chart is #1 on Chart No. 82" or what ever I've created extra.en.php for each chartno.  That lang var is as shown above DLB_NextChartNo_1 for example = 2, and 2 = 18 etc…

  • KaiNo

    KaiNo - 2011-03-14

    Hello David
    I also wanted to print out the entire ancestory, so I added a patch to create a single pdf File. You can download the patch and add it to your PGV.
    Look under Patches
    "Add new report to create pedigree chart"
    This patch is tested with PGV 4.2.3 and the translation included for english and german. I am now working do include also the descendants and than check it with PGV 4.2.4

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-16

    Thank  you Nokai. 

    Unfortunately, I've already updated to 4.2.4 but sounds like this may be what I am looking for. I'll monitor your patch for a 4.2.4 version.  I did try it but no luck.

  • Gerry Kroll

    Gerry Kroll - 2011-03-16

    "No luck"????  What's the problem?  If the new report isn't showing up in the menu, you need to delete file "index/reports.dat".  You should also clear your browser's cache.

    New language variables need to be defined in new file "languages/extra.en.php".  If additional translations for these new variables exist, similar files need to be created for each such language.  If they're defined in one of the standard language files, the change will be lost when a new version of PGV is released. 


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