
rss feed

Art Oswald
  • Art Oswald

    Art Oswald - 2013-06-16

    is there a way to pull the "On this day" information from the gedcom to post elsewhere Maybe using an rss feed or something like that?

  • Art Oswald

    Art Oswald - 2013-06-16

    I found the rss.php file so that answers my first question. Still need to know how to pull in just the "on this day" module.

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2013-06-16

    IIRC, configure the block and it provides the RSS feed. There may have been a problem with data privacy that was not resolved, but filtering through the block may have resolved that issue. Code is too old and strained for me to remember.

  • Art Oswald

    Art Oswald - 2013-06-16

    sorry, I don't understand what you mean by filtering through the block?

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2013-06-16

    If you were attempt to capture data directly, you would have privacy issues. Like I said, I never trusted RSS, and I don't remember if all the security/privacy issues were fixed, and there is no one to do so now, but you must get your RSS feed by placing the RSS block on the welcome page and properly configuring it.

    Wouldn't it be easier to simply visit your site regularly (read daily) and use the blocks like ON THIS DAY? But of course, that's your choice.

  • Art Oswald

    Art Oswald - 2013-06-16

    yes that would be easier but the people I want to view the information have to be able to see the info with the least amount of clicks possible. I want to entice them to go into the gedcom by putting the "On this Day" info on the homepage of the site. I tried using rss.php?module=onthisday url but it continues to render the entire rss.php file instead of just the "On this day" block

  • Stephen Arnold

    Stephen Arnold - 2013-06-16

    I think you need to go back and read my instructions. You can NOT use a direct call. You must use a block to regulate privacy and protect your data.

    Navigate to the Welcome/Home Page. Add the RSS Feed Block. Configure the RSS Feed to the desired feed result. Select your feed method.

  • Art Oswald

    Art Oswald - 2013-06-16

    I did that. I set up the RSS Feed block. I set it to Atom 1 and "Onthisday" the feed still shows me all the blocks.


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