
#1241 [4.0.2] Charts: Menu vanishes to fast


OK, this could be a feature request too, but I'd like to put it here, say this is a minor bug :-)

I am talking about the pop up menu in all the individuals boxes in charts.
When I move the mouse over the pedigree icon, the menu appears, but if I am a slow reader, it disappears before I finished reading (some kind of timeout).

Proposed fix: alter the show_family_box() javascript function in a way, that there is no timeout, but it stays open till the mouse is moved away (same behaviour as the menu).

I think it was ment to be that way, because there is a family-box-timeout() function associated to the mouseout-event of the pedigree icon.

If no-one has an other proposition I start looking into the code.


  • Joachim Weiß

    Joachim Weiß - 2007-01-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    There is no timeout in the show_family_box()-function, but the matter is somewhat more complicated:

    If I move the mouse carefully over the icon, the menu opens a few pixels next to the mouse position and stays open.
    But if I'm a fast mover, then it may happen, that the mouse moves along after the mouseover-event is triggered and the mouse position is inside the menu. That triggers the mouseout-event and the timeout starts, the menu vanishes.

    A Solution could be that the menu never opens atop of the icon.

  • John Finlay

    John Finlay - 2007-01-05

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    For a future release I have converted the menus to use a CSS only system without any Javascript. You can see the effect here:

    This should solve most of the problems.


  • John Finlay

    John Finlay - 2007-01-05
    • assigned_to: nobody --> yalnifj
  • Greg Roach

    Greg Roach - 2008-11-17
    • labels: 431956 -->

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