
Suggestion - eliminated games

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Not sure if suggested changes should go here or on If this is the wrong place, I apologize.

    I'd offer to write the code, but my coding skills are sad and lacking. The last thing I 'wrote' was a VBA macro for an excel spreadsheet.

    In any case: is it possible to remove the games you've been eliminated from, but haven't been completed by the other players, from the 'Your Game' list? It's not a huge pain, but it's not like I can do anything with the games that are there...


    • Don Scheifler

      Don Scheifler - 2008-11-09

      I agree that deleting game history visible tor others would be nice.  My thread on alias usernames explains why.

    • kestasjk

      kestasjk - 2008-11-12

      What about people who want to keep track of the games that they used to be in which are still going on?


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