
#1 Unable to login as admin user


Hi there,

Im having a very weird problem with admin login (or
author login). sorry if this is a rather unofficial bug
repport, but I dont do this often. =)

the thing is, I CANT login under admin. user/pass
admin/phpwebsite (yes, that is a password, but its
public anyways) does not work. I tried it at my home
computer, nothing, work computer, nothing, a friend tried
it, nothing.. I simply can not login as admin.

Then, I tried to tweak the author database a little. I
changed the name/pass for admin/admin (pass
obviously coded with the MD5 function) but that didnt
work either, even though the user/pass really was admin

I tried to put user/pass with plain text in the database,
and ripped out all md5 functions in all scripts, didnt work

so something is obviously wrong. Now the weird part..
yesterday, at my work I just tried again, for fun (clean
install, no modifications to scripts) to login with
admin/phpwebsite and.. it worked!!! then I used Edit
Admins in the admins menu to change the password for
admin user, and ever since I can login at my work!! but I
still cant at home. I really dont understand any of this.

you guys have ANY idea what is wrong here? I dont
have that much experience with PHP yet so its kinda
difficult for me to go through all the code yet..

some extra info:
my home compu is winXP pro platform, tried PHPDEV
4.23 and 5, work compu is Win2000 pro platform, tried
4.23 and 5, and my friend has XP pro as well, tried 4.23
and 5 as well.

thanks in advance,

Sven Oostenbrink


  • Alex

    Alex - 2003-09-18

    Logged In: YES


    Did you try and change the register_globals flag to On? This
    worked for me. Here's the info from the 'Install' file in the
    phpwebsite folder:

    In recent versions of PHP, the register_globals flag is set by
    default to Off. This will cause phpWebSite to be unable to
    login admins and users successfully.

    you can solve this problem in one of these two ways:

    - Edit your php.ini and modify it to include the line:
    register_globals = On

    In some versions of php the above line exists as:
    register_globals = Off
    change it to the one listed above.

    Restart your webserver

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Common problem with this bundle and as there is no way
    round the problem due to the password being encrypted
    youre stuffed. However you can go to phpwebsites homepage
    and download the latest version which I think maybe is 9.32
    and you will get the full community site with a bag full of
    extra gooodies like calendar and league tables etc.


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