
PHPBTTracker+ / News: Recent posts

PHPBTTracker+ v2.2 released!

PHPBTTracker+ 2.2 has now been released!

There are some bugfixes and some new features added, see the CHANGELOG and NOTES for more information.

The one major change in this version is the requirement for MySQL v4.1.2 or greater.

Highlights include:
-A fixed installer script;
-The RSS feed has been changed to be smarter with URL encoding, and seperate RSS feeds for subcategories will now appear in the 'Live Bookmarks' section of browsers;
-The index pages now show the time taken to generate them;
-The add torrent page will now automatically try to find a CRC32 value in the filename and add to the CRC field accordingly;
-A very basic search script is provided for searching the torrents on the tracker.... read more

Posted by Dan 2006-11-28

PHPBTTracker+ patches released!

This patch set addresses an RSS url encoding bug present in PHPBTTracker+ 2.1.

If the urls present in the RSS feed are giving 404 errors, it is recommended to download and install this patch.

Download '[v2.1] patches 2005-12-15' to get the updates.

Posted by Dan 2005-12-16

PHPBTTracker+ 2.1 released!

PHPBTTracker+ is a bittorrent tracker that can run on a webserver using apache and mysql.

This release contains a few bugfixes and a few new features:

1. Torrent subgrouping / sorting

If needed the index scripts can be set to show the torrents in a predefined order. An interface has been added that allows for a user to create virtual torrent "groups" and add torrents to it. Manual sorting is a feature here so the torrents can be manually placed in a specific order; moving the torrent groups themselves provides a way to sort groups of torrents as well. The index page will create headings for these groups and display them in the predefined fashion.... read more

Posted by Dan 2005-11-15

PHPBTTracker+ patches released!

The patch set addresses two known bugs in version 2.0. The tarball contains the two scripts that were fixed.

From now on, any bugs that are fixed will be released through the patch package.

Posted by Dan 2005-08-04

PHPBTTracker+ 2.0 released!

PHPBTTracker+ is a bittorrent tracker that can run on a webserver using apache and mysql.

The PHPBTTracker+ core has now been upgraded to the original phpbttracker 1.5 core! Peer caching and the compact protocol is now supported, yielding less bandwidth usage and processing time.

With this new core comes a few new configuration settings that can be used to tweak the resource usage. Some of the resource intensive items such as calculating the average progress per torrent and how much was downloaded can now be disabled to lower the load on the tracker. The intervals for these can still be changed as in earlier PHPBTTracker+ versions instead of disabling it altogether.... read more

Posted by Dan 2005-06-03

PHPBTTracker+ 1.7 released!

This release contains a few bugfixes and a few functionality fixes.

-A new user permission added to allow adding of mirror torrents (backup tracker)
-Users can be disabled temporarily
-Administration/index sample scripts total external torrents seperately
-Uploading torrents to database functionality added

Use caution when upgrading; read the changelog fully before attempting to upgrade from 1.6.... read more

Posted by Dan 2005-05-01

PHPBTTracker+ Client Filter update released

This update affects PHPBTTracker+ 1.6 only.

A bugfix has been released to allow incorrectly denied ABC clients to connect to the tracker. This update will be included in the future versions of PHPBTTracker.

Make sure you check the notes for each release to see if it pertains to your installation (as not all updates are mandatory - they will be included in future releases.)

See the README in the release for installation instructions.

Posted by Dan 2005-03-30

PHPBTTracker+ Client Filter update released

This update affects PHPBTTracker+ 1.6 only.

ABC has changed their client ID string, this update is needed for ABC 3.x to connect to the tracker. Valid clients connecting to the tracker that do not have this update will not be allowed to connect.

This release also adds support for rTorrent, a C based torrent client for *nix.

Support for Shad0w's BT Client 5.x.x has been removed; users using this client should upgrade to BitTornado 0.2.0 (stable).... read more

Posted by Dan 2005-03-27

PHPBTTracker+ Client Filter update released

This update affects PHPBTTracker+ 1.6 only. Azureus has changed the version ID string of their client; if the client filtering component of PHPBTTracker+ is enabled, this client will be denied access to the tracker (with an incorrect error message.). This update has a replacement filter script to allow this new version access.

Make sure you check the notes for each release to see if it pertains to your installation (as not all updates are mandatory - they will be included in future releases.) ... read more

Posted by Dan 2005-03-10

PHPBTTracker+ Client Filter update released

This update affects PHPBTTracker+ 1.6 only. A new version of BitTornado has been released (version 0.3.9); if the client filtering component of PHPBTTracker+ is enabled, this client will be denied access to the tracker. This update has a replacement filter script to allow this new version access.

There will be more filter updates in the future as new clients come out. A new package has been created in the downloads area that will contain all the filter updates (phpbttrkplus-filterupdates.) Check the notes for each release to see if it pertains to your installation (as not all updates are mandatory - they will be included in future releases.)... read more

Posted by Dan 2004-12-23

First release out

The first package for this tracker has been released. A demo will be put up, at this point I am waiting for clarification on usage of sessions on's servers.

Posted by Dan 2004-10-28

Sourceforge home founded

A place to set up releases has been founded. A demo of the administration interface is to follow; after that point files will be uploaded for users to download.

Posted by Dan 2004-10-05