
Example Input

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-06-06


    I would like to test this out but, there is no example input for the battleEngine function, any chance you could post a example please?

  • Henry Flink

    Henry Flink - 2010-06-08


    At the current state at 0.9 it still produces eternal loops, so testing it is impossible still :). I have a bit of a code that randomizes the needed array values to array (1-47) and calls with it. Been too busy to do any coding about for a week, but will be doing some work on it soon. The validity of the values is one the issues I need to address. It should be able to take both not set and int 0 values without errors.

    Also I've been doing a manual for the app which should have all the necessary instructions. I miight upload a working copy of it.

    Input array (copy from my code comments):
    -attacking fleet 1-17
    -attackers size and planet amount 18-19
    -defending fleet (as attacking, but with orbital defence) 20-42
    -defenders resource/tick T 43 and K 44
    -defenders mines/probes 45 and 46
    -defenders size 47


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